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Project objective:

Complete revision of the out-dated site design and implemention of a content-management tool easy to use by the cinema staff.

Developement of the administration module:

For the administration of the sites a whole content- management system has been implemented which is based on PHP4 and MySQL. This enables the personnel to edit the description and times of all the movies, which are currently played or will be shown in the near future. In addition it is possible to manage the information of the news board and of special movie offers like original versions. Last but not least a newsletter has been integrated into the saystem which allows the staff to sent the next week's movie program to interested people.

Redesign of cinemagoer sites:

To cope with the cinemgoers' right of appealing and informative web pages, the site has been provided with a new user interface. It greatly improves the handling of the pages. But the most important innovation concerns the design. Thus Cascading Stylesheets have been applied which ease subsequent changes or extensions. In addition photos of the cinemas have been shot to highlight the individuality of the localities.

The site was replaced at the start of 2007 by the Cineplex standard site only due to the rebranding of the Lichtspielberg cinemas.

Client: Lichtspielbergbetriebs GmbH
